New Online System

There’s a new version of the online system. Mainly it’s an update to how it looks and works with smaller devices. It should work fine on smartphones now.

There is also an addition to the booking page to handle Add-ons and Upgrades. Also, discounts can be applied to individual items.

For both Add-ons and Upgrades there are certain steps to be followed.

  • Add-ons and/or Upgrades sections need to be completed in the item setups.
  • Any item with an Add-on or Upgrade needs to have its homepage filled in. This is because there will be a link displayed for the guest to get more information. The homepage URL needs to be a relative URL, ie /items/act123.html, and not an absolute link, ie

Add-ons and Upgrades are listed when an item is booked. Only the Add-ons and Upgrades for that item are listed, otherwise the display can get very messy. An Add-on, if booked, is added to the reservation. An Upgrade will replace the item just booked. There is one complication with Upgrades. A rate is specified when setting up an Upgrade, which may or may not be the same rate as a user would get if booking the item directly from your website. If the user clicks the link to view the item we lose the connection to the Upgrade rate and only know about the rate specified in the website. So, for the guest to get the Upgrade rate, they have to book the item when it pops up in the list of Add-ons and Upgrades that appears when an item is booked.

This update is not automatic. Your booking pages need to be changed from
app=base2 and app=book2
app=base22 and app=book22

The checkout page needs to be changed from
app=base2 and app=checkout2
app=base22 and app=checkout22

Discounts can now be entered for individual items. Care must be taken when creating the discounts in order to ensure that discount codes are either meant to be for all items, or linked to specific items. Discount codes can make their way around the internet.

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