Reservation Discounts and Fees

Discounts and fees can now be applied at the reservation level. Accounting-wise
they get apportioned to each item on the reservation so no changes are needed to
reports. However, changes may be needed to your invoice depending on how it’s
setup.  It’s best to do a test reservation and see how it displays.  You can
have as many reservation discounts per reservation as you want, but fees are
limited to four.  If you use either, saving reservation items will be a little
slower.  The reason is that once an item is saved every other item needs to be
reloaded, the reservation discounts and fees divvied-up and applied, and then
re-saved.  The value of one item can affect how much much gets applied to other
items, most obviously when the discount or fee is a fixed amount.  Only non-
government tax/fee codes can be used as reservation fees.

There is a new spot online during checkout where the guest can enter one or more
discount codes. In the discount code setup you must ensure that the ‘Use Online’
box is checked, that there is a date range entered (this range is the booking
date range), and optionally the specific items selected that the dicount code
applies to.  Every discount code a user enters must pass these tests.

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