ROAM Global Expansion– December 15, 2013.

The Software Mill (TSM) owner, Greg Miller, announced, today, the global expansion of its Reservation and Outdoor Adventure Marketing software, ROAM. Launched in 1996, at the request of a number of outdoor adventure tour operators to provide a reservation booking system, ROAM is now the most feature rich reservation, marketing and operations system available today. In 2012, the latest upgrade, ROAM 3, using cloud technology, was made available to all users from a browser.

Greg, a resident of Falmouth, Nova Scotia, stated, “after years of product development and enhancement I felt it was the right time to introduce ROAM on a much broader scale and the launch of ROAM 3 was the catalyst to make it happen. ROAM users now have direct 24/7 access to their system from a browser anywhere in the world with upgrades being instantaneous for all”. Added Greg, “Other considerations were to offer ROAM with no cost to purchase yet be able to maintain a highly competitive fee structure which we have accomplished. Regardless of the size of any operation,   ROAM is affordable.”

Greg further added, “These are exciting times for The Software Mill. With today’s technology, we can deliver our product anywhere in the world instantly and that is what we intend to do starting right here in Nova Scotia. If you are in the tourism industry and in particular Outdoor Adventure, we believe ROAM is the must have system.”

For more information contact us at 1.855.621.ROAM (7626) or by email:

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